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Let’s Talk FDM

want to know about fdm Printing?

Sure! Imagine you’re a wizard, but instead of casting spells, you have a magical hot glue gun. This hot glue gun doesn’t just stick things together; it creates anything you want, layer by layer.

That’s FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) 3D printing! You start with a long, colorful spaghetti noodle (called filament). The magical glue gun heats up the noodle until it’s all melty and squishy. Then, it starts drawing on a flat surface, but instead of doodling a picture, it lays down a thin layer of gooey noodle.

Now, here’s the fun part: it keeps drawing layer after layer, like making a lasagna of plastic! Each layer sticks to the one below it, building up your creation from the bottom to the top. So, if you wanted a mini wizard hat, the magical glue gun would keep adding layers until, poof! You have a tiny, plastic wizard hat, ready for your finger wizard to wear.

So, FDM printing is like a super precise, wizardly lasagna maker, turning spaghetti into amazing 3D objects!

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